By Christianna Morgan, LMHC
Counselor Educator, Capuano Early Childhood Center
My name is __________ and I go to the Capuano School.

I like to play with my friends at school.

I like to learn at school.

I can do my best work when I am ready to learn. I am “Green for Go” when I am ready to learn.

Green for Go means my eyes are watching

and my ears are listening

and my body is calm

and my words are kind.

Sometimes, I forget how to be Green for Go. Sometimes, I make a mistake.

A mistake can hurt bodies or feelings. Hitting my friends is a mistake. Using unkind words is a mistake. Taking toys from a friend is a mistake.

But you know what? Mistakes are like the color yellow.

I can turn the color yellow into green! I can fix my mistakes and be Green for Go again!
If I add blue to yellow, it turns green!

I can fix my mistakes! When I fix my mistake, I add blue to yellow and I am Green for Go again!
I can fix my mistake by saying, “I am sorry.”
I can fix my mistake by sharing a toy.
I can fix my mistake by helping a friend.
I can fix my mistake by remembering to keep

my eyes watching

and my ears listening

and my body calm

and my words kind
I am Green for Go!