The Home of Early Education in Somerville
Welcome to Somerville Early Education (SEE), the home of the SEE Every Child: A Framework for Teaching and Learning. Find resources for best practices in early education. Discover routines and teaching practices designed to be flexible and easy to incorporate into your classroom.

The Home of Early Education in Somerville
Welcome to Somerville Early Education (SEE), the home of the SEE Every Child: A Framework for Teaching and Learning. Find resources for best practices in early education. Discover routines and teaching practices designed to be flexible and easy to incorporate into your classroom.

Planning for Teaching and Learning
Year-Long Trajectory
The Year-Long Trajectory is your reference for the scope and sequence of learning experiences across the year. The Trajectory helps you maintain a big picture mindset and provide the the individual activities that support children’s learning.
Classroom Environment
Guidance for preparing intentional, well-designed, beautiful, safe learning spaces that promote curiosity, independence, and collaboration.
Learning Domains
Detailed guides to monthly Essential Literacy Practices and accompanying activity guides for specific content areas such as Journaling or Fine Motor; Pacing and activities for Building Blocks Math, Second Step SEL Curriculum, Anti-Bias Education, and Science and Engineering.
Anti-Bias / Anti-Racist Education
Resources for providing culturally sustaining practices integrated into all curriculum areas to promote positive self-image, empathy, and fairness.
Our Mission
The Somerville Early Education department ensures that young children in Somerville have equitable access to a curriculum approach where they are engaged in joyful, robust, challenging, child-centered experiences grounded in play, discovery, and their own interests, and guided by state and national learning standards.