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September Pacing Guide
September Month At a Glance
Big Idea Guide: Me and My Friends
Project: Self-Portraits
Guiding Questions: Who am I? How do I make friends? I am part of a group. I have feelings and my friends do too.
Learning Domains
Expand each domain to learn about the at a glance information.
- ESI Screener
- Baseline Data
- PELI (Pilot Group)
History & Social Sciences
- Co-construct community agreements.
- Prompt and support children to follow agreed-upon rules, limits, and expectations.
- Incorporate family photographs in the classroom environment.
- Model and reinforce appropriate ways of interacting in a group (e.g. taking turns in talking, listening to peers, waiting to speak until another person is finished talking, asking questions and waiting for an answer, and gaining the floor in appropriate ways).
Mathematical Thinking
- Introduce and explore math manipulatives.
- Begin practice with counting verbally.
- Introduce Counting Wand to take attendance.
- Begin Week 1 of Building Blocks during the 3rd week of September.
Science & Engineering
- Discuss the terms similar and different.
- Practice asking questions and defining problems.
- Practice describing physical characteristics.
Artistic Expression
Encourages making connections to Big Ideas through artistic expression in order to allow children to explore artistic media and to communicate their ideas creatively.
Physical Development
Dedication to educating the whole child means mindful incorporation of physical development. Children spend regular time outdoors, as well as play games and participate in activities that allow for movement.

Oral Language & Concept Development
- Practice taking turns to speak and share play ideas and stories about their lives, using rich Vocabulary.
- Introduce children to norms and routines, including sharing information.
- Introduce book baskets, book displays, and Explicit Presentation of Book Handling.
Fine Motor, Drawing & Writing
- Explore materials that build upper body strength and fine motor control.
- Practice Mark Making and drawing.
- Introduce Handwriting Without Tears.
Expressive & Written Language
- Demonstrate that words can be read and that pictures and words convey meaning using Dialogic Reading, CROWD Strategies.
- Point to text when reading Visual Schedules, The Morning Message / Guide, and environmental print.
- Encourage peer-to-peer conversations.
Phonological & Phonemic Awareness
- Introduce rhymes with songs and chants.
- Introduce awareness of the initial sounds with Name Games and Environmental Print.
- Introduce a posted alphabet with initial sound pictures, and highlight initial letters.

Literacy Week-to-Week Details
Week 1
Oral Language & Concept Development
Morning Meeting
- Introduce children to whole group routines: gathering as a group, sitting and listening, transitioning to the next activity.
- Introduce a visual schedule.
Read Alouds
- Introduce read aloud routines of sitting and listening. Begin by encouraging children to sing along to familiar songs, fingerplays, and rhymes using hand gestures and body movements.
- Introduce simple, repetitive texts.
- Model and support social language and conversation norms, i.e., Listening and taking turns.
Fine Motor, Drawing & Writing
Fine Motor
- Offer explicit presentation of fine motor activities and tools.
- Introduce pom-pom transfer, a pincer grip strengthening activity.
Mark Making
- Encourage children to engage in mark making activities. Provide mark making tools and materials for children: crayons, golf pencils, chalk, and paper.
- Invite children to use playdough to strengthen fine motor skills: rolling, pinching, poking, squeezing, making little balls of playdough.
Expressive & Written Language
Expressive Writing
- When providing children with mark making tools and materials, encourage them to describe their mark makings and take dictation.
Environmental Print
- Support children to notice that words can be read and convey meaning and that they can be written in different languages.
- Point to text as it is read on the visual daily schedule.
Speaking & Listening
- Model and support social language and conversation norms, i.e., listening, and taking turns.
- Value different communication styles and ways of interacting, e.g. non-verbal communication, tone, and modulation.
Phonological & Phonemic Awareness
Alphabet Knowledge
- Support children in noticing that their names are made up of letters.
Phonological Awareness
- Support children in noticing that our names are made up of different sounds.
- Support children in noticing the beginning sounds in their names, e.g. /j/ /j/ Jayden!
Week 2
Oral Language & Concept Development
Morning Meeting
- Encourage children to follow along while reading a simple morning message.
- Reference the visual schedule.
Read Alouds
- Continue to read simple, repetitive texts such as Say Hello by Rachel Isadora. Add 1-2 text dependent recall questions, i.e., What did Carmelita want to get at the bakery?
- Offer explicit presentation of book handling skills and caring for books.
- Introduce classroom community language, i.e., Make a choice, line up.
Fine Motor, Drawing & Writing
Fine Motor
- Invite children to engage in bilateral hand-eye work – vertical surface work at the easel and/or walls.
Mark Making
- Offer explicit presentation of mark making materials and tools.
- Introduce children to the pincer grip, i.e., sing the Handwriting without Tears song “Pick Up a Crayon.”
- Introduce the sensory table with water and provide tools for pouring and transferring.
Expressive & Written Language
Expressive Writing
- Invite children to share more about their work with prompts such as: “Tell me about your drawing/writing?” “May I add labels and words to your work?”
Environmental Print
- Point to text as it is read in the morning message.
- During read aloud, point to specific text features: book title, author.
Speaking & Listening
- Add varied greetings to the morning message and morning meeting, i.e., say Hello in different languages, with different physical actions, e.g. high-5, fist bump, fish flop.
Phonological & Phonemic Awareness
Alphabet Knowledge
- Introduce name cards, i.e., attendance system, group spots, cubbies, name card rings.
- Play with moveable alphabets, e.g. magnetic letters, letters in sensory table, letter cookie cutters in playdough.
Phonological Awareness
- Continue to support children in noticing beginning sounds of their names and their peers, e.g. /j/ – /j/ Jayden and /j/ – /j/ Janira!
- Sing a song to play with initial sounds in children’s names, e.g. Willaby Wallaby.
Week 3
Oral Language & Concept Development
Morning Meeting
- Add group games and listening activities, i.e., Just Like Me!
- Continue to reference the visual schedule.
Read Alouds
- Read high-interest texts (books with characters the children can relate to, familiar concepts, and topics that are of interest).
- Introduce and explicitly teach vocabulary related to the Big Idea, i.e., Me and My Friends: same, different.
Fine Motor, Drawing & Writing
Fine Motor
- Continue bilateral hand-eye work–invite children to engage in paper tearing activities.
Mark Making
- Demonstrate and discuss how to make certain marks, such as lines, curves, and shapes.
- Provide writing materials across the classroom: dry erase boards and markers, clipboards and pencils, post-it notes, and small notebooks.
- Introduce sand and sand tools for scooping, pouring, and transfer.
Expressive & Written Language
Expressive Writing
- Invite children to name and label classroom areas and materials.
Environmental Print
- Encourage children to notice environmental print around the school: Exit, office, bathroom, nurse.
Speaking & Listening
- Play games that encourage children to speak and listen. Sing call and response songs.
Phonological & Phonemic Awareness
Alphabet Knowledge
- Highlight the first letter of each child’s name on their name card.
- Introduce a posted alphabet with initial sound pictures, highlight initial letters of children’s names.
Phonological Awareness
- Support children in noticing rhymes by singing songs, e.g. Down by the Bay.
Week 4
Oral Language & Concept Development
Morning Meeting
- Look and discuss group surveys, i.e., Question of the Day. “How did you get to school today?” (walk, car, bike, bus, train)
- Continue to reference the visual schedule.
Read Alouds
- Continue to read high-interest texts such as Say Hello by Rachel Isadora. Add 1-2 inferential questions, i.e., How did Carmelita’s neighbors feel when she greeted them?
- Include explicit instruction of vocabulary in read alouds, i.e., Build Up/Build Back, visuals/props/ realia, acting out.
Fine Motor, Drawing & Writing
Fine Motor
- Continue bilateral hand-eye work–invite children to engage in beading work.
Mark Making
- Add high-interest word cards and name cards to classroom areas along with mark making materials.
- Add a water wheel, funnels, and bottles to the water table for varied pouring and transferring activities.
- Add shovels and small vehicles for pushing and piling to sand.
Expressive & Written Language
Expressive Writing
- Co-create class books; invite children to make marks on a page with their name and photo.
Environmental Print
- Invite children to copy or replicate environmental print, e.g. letters, words, and images.
Speaking & Listening
- Play knock-knock games with names and photos to encourage children to practice saying the names of their classmates and engaging in discussions about their classroom community.
Phonological & Phonemic Awareness
Alphabet Knowledge
- Play games with letters and name cards, i.e., identifying and matching letters.
Phonological Awareness
- Continue singing rhyming songs, pausing to invite children to complete the rhyme, i.e., Have you ever seen a snake eating a _____?[cake]

Math Week-to-Week Details
Week 1
Big Idea
- Math is numbers, shapes and patterns.
- Counting tells how many.
- Math can be explored through materials.
- Groups can be named with numbers.
- Early Math is Big: What is Math?
- Begin to count verbally.
- Explore math in manipulatives and materials.
- Recognize and make groups of 2 or more. Organizing Toy Bears: By Color
- Quickly recognize the number of objects in small groups (subitize).
Whole Group
- Songs: This Old Man, When I Was One and other “counting forward” songs
- Building Blocks Songs and Chants
- Big Book: Where’s One?
- Books: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, etc.
Small Group
- Exploration and introduction to manipulatives for counting (p. 8)
- Assessing: Looking for counting skills
- 5-Corresponder / 6-Counter(Small Numbers) / 7-Producer (Small Numbers)
Hands On
- Exploring manipulatives From Tub to Tray
- Building
- Collections and sorting
Math Through the Year
- Counting Wand
- I See Numbers
- Attendance Routine: Number Sense
Key Daily Reflection Questions
- Why do we count?
- During activities: What did you do with the cubes?
- Where do you see numbers?
Week 2
Big Idea
- Beginning counting
- Recognizing and making small groups (sorting)
- Exploring materials
- Name the number of objects in a group up to 3.
- Verbally count groups of 2 or more with understanding.
- Recognize and make groups of one or more. One-to-One Correspondence
- Recognize the number of objects in small groups without counting (subitize).
- Produce simple rhythmic patterns.
Whole Group
- Song: When I Was One
- Games: Count and Move, Number Me Movement Counts: Counting Words
- Snapshots
- Books: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, etc.
Small Group
- Find and make groups Sets, Sorting and Classifying
- 1-Small Collection Namer / 3-Maker of Small Collections / 4-Perceptual Subitizer to 4 / 5-Perceptual Subitizer to 5
Hands On
- Exploring manipulatives
- Construction materials
- Find and make groups with different materials
- Collections and sorting
Math Through the Year
- Counting Jar
- I See Numbers
Key Daily Reflection Questions
- How many? How do you know? How do you know which has more/less?
Sample Schedules
Sample Half Day Daily Schedule
8:15 am–11:30 am
- Breakfast: 30 minutes
- Arrival: 5 minutes
- Morning Meeting: 10 minutes
- Choice Introduction: 5 minutes
- Choice Time: 60 minutes
- Clean Up Time: 5 minutes
- Lunch: 30 minutes
- Outside Time: 30 minutes
- Whole Group Songs/Simple Read Aloud: 5 minutes
- Dismissal: 10 minutes
Sample Full Day Daily Schedule
8:15 am–1:45 pm
- Breakfast: 30 minutes
- Arrival: 5 minutes
- Morning Meeting: 10 minutes
- Choice Introduction: 5 minutes
- Choice Time: 60 minutes
- Clean Up Time: 5 minutes
- Transition Time: 5 minutes
- Phonics: 5 minutes
- Lunch: 30 minutes
- Read Aloud: 10 minutes
- Outside Time: 30 minutes
- Snack: 20 minutes
- Rest/Quiet Time: 30 minutes
- Whole Group Math: 10 minutes
- Center Time: 30 minutes
- Clean Up Time: 5 minutes
- Closing Circle: 5 minutes
- Dismissal: 10 minutes