A Social Story to Help

March, 2016
Amy Bamforth
When you feel sad or disappointed,

When you feel frustrated,

When you feel angry,

When you feel MAD,

And when you feel FURIOUS,

Remember what you can do!
First, Stop.

Take a breath.

Then take another breath.


What can you do?

Kids can stop and think. Slow down.
You can FEEL the feelings and still make SAFE CHOICES.
You can feel BIG, BIG feelings and do things that help.
You can STOP your body from making things worse.
Don’t break anything!

Don’t pull hair!

Don’t bite anyone’s body!

Don’t hit anyone’s body.

Don’t kick anyone’s body.

All of those things just make it WORSE! If you break, hurt, bite, hit,or kick, the problem only gets BIGGER!
What else could you do?
How can you help your BIG feelings get SMALLER?
Try Squeezing your hands really, really hard.

Or squeeze some dough or a stress ball.

Bite a hard piece of fruit or a chewy necklace.

Jump up and down, and up and down, and up and down….

Do some strong, heavy work.

Watch a sparkle jar. Look at a book.

Take a break.

Think of something funny. Listen to some music.

Wrap up in something soft. Get a hug.

Imagine you are in a powerful story!

Use your arms.

Use your legs.

Hold onto something you love.

Those big, big feelings will change.
You will feel better.
You can be the boss of how you feel.

You can feel happy again.

The End