As you continue to navigate work-life balance, it’s essential to take some time for yourself. Below are a few self-care suggestions and resources.
Stay Active:
- Yoga
- Workout
Stay Mentally Active:
- Make puzzles
- Play games
Stay Connected:
- Call a friend or loved one.
- Reach out to a colleague

Fresh Air, Go out into Nature-run, take a walk or bike ride while maintaining social distancing guidelines.
Mindfulness – many teachers are integrating mindful practice in their classrooms. Now, you can try it for yourself at home. According to Mindful Schools, “Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment with openness and curiosity.” American Psychological Association research shows that Mindfulness impacts:
- Stress reduction
- Boosts to working memory
- Focus
- Less emotional reactivity
- More cognitive flexibility
- Relation satisfaction

Daily Mandala (From the Beautiful Stuff Project)
Make a morning mandala to brighten your day. Just find things around the house and create one on a plate.

We could all do with a little less stress and more focus, so carve out 10 minutes for yourself for mindfulness. If you already have a favorite app or website go there, if not try these links below:
Daily Calm 10 Minute Meditation Video