Getting Attention

Henry is a 4 year old boy who goes to ______ in the _____ Group classroom.  He likes lots of things at school.

He likes building with blocks.

girl walking past building blocks

He likes telling stories to his friends.

children sit around a table for lunch time

He likes getting squeezy hugs from teachers.

teacher hugs boy

He likes playing with _______.

Henry really likes it when people are talking and playing with him.  He really likes it when they pay attention to him. It makes him mad when people ignore him.

boy making an angry face

There are many different ways to get attention.  Some ways are useful and work.  Some ways are NOT useful and make problems.

Making silly noises and bumping teachers’ words can make problems. It does not work.

child putting hand on nose in a teasing manner

Asking  a teacher to read a story works.

boy listening to teacher read to him

Throwing  toys can make problems. It does not work.

baby in a chair throwing stuffed dog

Inviting  someone to build with blocks during choice time works.

children sitting on the floor playing with building blocks

Building with blocks during circle time can make problems.

colorful blocks
children in a circle with the teacher

Having special time with someone works.

What are other ways of asking for attention that work? What are your ideas?

Henry can get special time and attention with teachers.  Henry can choose ways that work.

teacher smiles at boy in classroom

Year-Long Trajectory

The Year-Long Trajectory is your scope and sequence for learning experiences across the year.