Home » Learning Domains » Fine Motor, Drawing & Writing » Fine Motor » Cutting & Shape Punching

Cutting & Shape Punching


  • Cutting Strips – Pre-made strips, copied and cut into manageable strips.  
  • Use small coin envelopes or paper pouches for children to collect or take home cuttings or use the cuttings for collage. 
  • The addition of envelopes and pencils often morphs into message writing.
Cutting, drawing and placing in an envelope tray
Cutting, drawing and placing in an envelope tray
hand drawn sun, flower, and stick people
Envelope with Mom written on the front

Shape Punching

  • Materials: a small carpet square, a large nail, golf tee, sharp golf or Handwriting Without Tears Pencil, and quarter sheets of paper with simple shapes drawn or copied on them. 
  • Child punches around the edge of the shape and then either drags the nail over the punches or uses their fingers to release the shape. 
  • Extensions: The shapes can be glued on another plain quarter sheet of paper.  Write the name of the shape on the bottom to label it.  If a child completes multiple pages, staple them into a book. Children can also punch through the letters in their name, content words or punch out simple outlines related to the curriculum..
example of shape punching tray
child tracing and punching a triangle with golf tee
child ripping paper
child punching the letter "H" with golf tee

Year-Long Trajectory

The Year-Long Trajectory is your scope and sequence for learning experiences across the year.