Lessons and Teaching Guides
Though the majority of the SEE Every Child Curriculum is located in the Big Idea Guides, this page houses a small, and growing, collection of distinct lessons that can be integrated and adapted for your classroom.
Shades of People
A series of lessons that support children’s exploration of the various shades of skin in the world. These lessons were originally part of a remote teaching kit.
Self-Portrait Assessment Rubric
A rubric, with interview prompts to support your assessment of children’s self-portraits, as well as their developing sense of self and identity.
Study Guide for Matt de la Peña & Christian Robinson
This comprehensive guide can be used with preschool through 3rd grade children. Read all the way through it to determine which activities will best support your own learning and your students’ learning.
Teaching About Indigenous People
This guide was developed to support teachers as they include more curricula about local indigenous people. It provides both adult learning and classroom resources.